19:16 Basic Skills for the OR Fundamentals General Surgery Surgical Technology Anesthesia Emergency Medicine Preoperative ProceduresAirway EquipmentStephen Estime, MD, Abdullah Hasan Pratt, MD, Nicholas G. Ludmer, MDUChicago Medicine
59:02 Basic Skills for the OR Fundamentals General Surgery Nursing Surgical Technology Anesthesia Emergency Medicine Preoperative ProceduresAirway Management: Techniques and EquipmentDany Accilien, MD, Dexter C. Graves, MD, Nicholas G. Ludmer, MD, Stephen Estime, MD, Abdullah Hasan Pratt, MDUChicago Medicine
22:56 Fundamentals General Surgery Thoracic Surgery Emergency MedicineChest Tube Placement for Possible HemothoraxDavid V. Deshpande, Abigail Clarkson-During, MD, Jennifer Cone, MD, Ashley Suah, MDUChicago Medicine
11:54 Fundamentals General Surgery Nursing Surgical Technology Emergency Medicine Preoperative ProceduresTrauma Resuscitation Demonstration in a Stable Patient with a Minor Perforating WoundPriya Prakash, MDUChicago Medicine
17:42 General Surgery Neurosurgery Emergency MedicineEmergent Right Frontal Camino Bolt Placement for Intracranial Pressure Monitoring for a GCS Under 8Nathaniel D. Sisterson, MD, MSc, Brian Hsueh, MD, PhD, Katherine H. Albutt, MDMassachusetts General Hospital
08:43 Fundamentals General Surgery Anesthesia Emergency Medicine Preoperative ProceduresAirway Assessment for Trauma PatientsStephen Estime, MD, Abdullah Hasan Pratt, MD, Nicholas G. Ludmer, MDUChicago Medicine
56:16 General Surgery Emergency Medicine RadiologyExploratory Laparotomy and Splenectomy for Ruptured Spleen Following Blunt Force TraumaSebastian K. Chung, MD, Ashley Suah, MD, Daven Patel, MD, MPH, Nadim Michael Hafez, MD, Brian Williams, MDUChicago Medicine
22:10 General Surgery Orthopaedics Emergency Medicine Radiology Preoperative ProceduresAnkle-Brachial Index, CT Angiography, and Proximal Tibial Traction for Gunshot Femoral FractureJohnathan R. Kent, MD, James Jeffries, MD, Andrew Straszewski, MD, Kenneth L. Wilson, MD, FACSUChicago Medicine
13:44 General Surgery Emergency Medicine Radiology CardiologyIntroduction to Bedside Cardiac UltrasoundAllyson Peterson, MD, Nadim Michael Hafez, MDUChicago Medicine
26:48 Fundamentals General Surgery Emergency Medicine RadiologyExtended Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (EFAST) ExamDaven Patel, MD, MPH, Kristin Lewis, MD, MA, Allyson Peterson, MD, Nadim Michael Hafez, MDUChicago Medicine