JOMI Urology
Urology is the study, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the urinary tract in females and of the genitourinary tract in males.
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Cystoscopy and Placement of Ureteral Stents: Preoperative for HIPEC Surgery
Foley Catheter Placement: Indications, Maintenance, Complications, and Demonstration on a Preoperative Male Patient
Prophylactic Laparoscopic Bilateral Gonadectomy for Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
- UrologyPre-Print
Ureteroscopy, Laser Lithotripsy, and Stent Replacement for an Obstructing Left Proximal Ureteral Stone with Forniceal Rupture
Pediatric Chordee Release and Glanular Hypospadias Repair
Penoscrotal Hypospadias Repair
Orchiopexy and Circumcision
Bilateral Simple Hydrocelectomy and Removal of Subdermal Implants
Cloacal Exstrophy Repair