Airway Management: Techniques and Equipment
Basic Skills for the ORFundamentalsGeneral SurgeryNursingSurgical TechnologyAnesthesiaEmergency MedicinePreoperative Procedures
Procedure Outline
Table of Contents
- Ventilation Setup
- Novel Airway Equipment Setup
- When a Trauma Comes In
- Suction
- Bag Valve Mask
- Oropharyngeal Airway
- Airway Tower
- Intubation
- Post-Intubation
- ET Tubes
- LMA and King Airway
- Extra Supplies
- Difficult Airway
- Macintosh Blade and Flexible Stylet
- Hyperangulated D-Blade and Rigid Stylet
- Miller Blade with Direct Visualization
- Macintosh Blade with Video Laryngoscope
- Hyperangulated D-Blade with Video Laryngoscope