Bilateral Modified Radical Neck Dissection for Metastatic Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
Procedure Outline
Table of Contents
- Patient positioning.
- Surgical approach and marking.
- Create extended Kocher incision.
- Develop subplatysmal flaps.
- Identify GAN and follow to Erb’s point.
- Identify SAN and follow to insertion to trapezius muscle.
- Mobilize level V compartment from lateral to medial.
- Divide EJV.
- Unwrap fascia around the SCM.
- Circumferentially dissect and preserve carotid sheath contents.
- Further mobilize lymph node specimen from lateral to medial, including levels V, IV, III, and II.
- Identify and preserve (or ligate) thoracic duct (left side) or other minor lymphatic ducts (right).
- Identify and preserve phrenic and brachial plexus nerves.
- Divide transverse cervical nerve branches as necessary for complete mobilization of lymph node specimen.
- Place a drain deep to the SCM for decompression of residual lymphatic fluid.
- Close strap muscles.
- Close platysma muscles.
- Close dermis with 5-0 Prolene.
- Apply Dermabond and Steri-Strips.
- Remove drain once output is less than 30–50 cc and serosanguinous (usually postoperative day 2).