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JOMI Publication Fees

At this time, JOMI does NOT charge publication fees.  JOMI does offer the following to support authors with the publication process:

Filming training: FREE
A JOMI professional will provide training and guidance to ensure that filming is successful.  Please note that every filming requires at least 2 individuals who can operate cameras.

Filming Kit Rental: $500 per week 
Should you wish to film the case yourself, but lack the necessary equipment, JOMI does offer filming kit rental.

Filming Fee: $1,500 per day
JOMI can send trained videographers to your operating room. JOMI videographers are specifically trained to operate in hospital environments.

Video Editing Training: FREE
JOMI can provide the training materials necessary to edit surgical videos. 

Video Editing Fees: Case-by-Case
The optimal scenario is for the surgeon to film the case and upload footage to JOMI for video editing. Due to high variability of footage quality, case complexity, etc. these fees are set on a case-by-case basis and are often waived for cases that are well filmed.

To inquire: please email the title for the case that you would like to publish to  Our editorial team will review your submission and will respond within 2-5 business days.