25:23 General SurgeryOpen Epigastric Hernia Repair Without Mesh for a 1-cm Incarcerated HerniaShirin Towfigh, MDBeverly Hills Hernia Center
17:34 General SurgeryOpen Umbilical Hernia Repair Without Mesh for a 1-cm HerniaShirin Towfigh, MDBeverly Hills Hernia Center
05:44 Basic Skills for the OR Urology Nursing Surgical Technology Preoperative ProceduresMale Foley Catheter Placement and Removal for SurgeryBel Capati, RN, Shirin Towfigh, MDBeverly Hills Hernia Center
12:36 Basic Skills for the OR Nursing Surgical TechnologyBack Table Setup for an Open Umbilical Hernia RepairDevon Massey, CST, Shirin Towfigh, MDBeverly Hills Hernia Center