Left Hip Hemiarthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fracture
Procedure Outline
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Slightly Curvilinear Incision Centered Over the Greater Trochanter
- 3. Dissection Through the Soft Tissues and Exposure of the IT Band
- 4. Longitudinal Incision Through the IT Band and Retraction to Expose the Greater Trochanter
- 5. Anterolateral Approach to Expose the Hip Capsule by Peeling Off the Confluent Layer of Abductors and Vastus Lateralis at its Insertion onto the Greater Trochanter
- 6. T-Shaped Capsulotomy and Exposure of the Femoral Neck Fracture
- 7. Femoral Head Removal and Washing Away any Bone Fragments
- 8. Femoral Head Measurements and Trialing Femoral Head Implant
- 9. Getting Lateral on the Canal with a Box Cutter While Protecting the Insertion of the Abductors
- 10. Using Canal Finder and Reamers to Appropriately Size the Canal
- 11. Femoral Broaching to Appropriately Size the Canal
- 12. Trial for New Femoral Neck and Head
- 13. Cement Mixing and Femoral Canal Irrigation and Hemostasis
- 14. Cement Placement with Cement Restrictor at the Bottom
- 15. Femoral Stem Insertion Making Sure of Appropriate Version and Valgus Position
- 16. Attachment of New Femoral Head and Reduction of the Hip
- 17. Closure
- 18. Post-op Remarks
- Tag the Two Corners of the Capsulotomy Leaflets
- Reduction of Trial Components and Confirmation of Appropriate Sizing
- Verify with Flat Plate X-Ray
- Capsule by Tying Together the Two Tagging Sutures
- Abductors and Vastus Lateralis to the Greater Trochanter with Horizontal Mattress Sutures with #5 Ethibond
- Final Confirmation with Flat Plate X-Ray
- IT Band with #1 Vicryl
- Skin and Soft Tissues