Open Distal Pancreatectomy for Pancreatic Cancer
Procedure Outline
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Incision and Access to the Abdominal Cavity
- 3. Abdominal Exploration to Rule out Metastasis
- 4. Open Lesser Omentum to Expose the Pancreas
- 5. Hepatic Artery Exposure
- 6. Follow Hepatic Artery to Celiac Trunk and Splenic Artery
- 7. Develop Plane Behind Pancreas
- 8. Pancreas Transection
- 9. Splenic Vessels Identification and Division
- 10. Develop Retropancreatic Plane over the Renal Vein Following it to the Left
- 11. Approach Through the Gastrocolic Omentum, Taking Down Short Gastrics and Mobilizing the Spleen to Deliver the Specimen
- 12. Hemostasis
- 13. Closure
- 14. Post-op Remarks
- Preaortic Tissue Biopsy for Frozen
- Harvest Celiac Lymph Nodes
- Send Additional Transection Margin for Frozen Section to Confirm Negative Margins
- Tie and Divide Splenic Artery Before Splenic Vein