Robotic eTEP Retrorectus Rives-Stoppa Repair for Ventral Hernia
Procedure Outline
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Ultrasound-Guided Marking, Bilateral TAP Blocks, and Right Rectus Block
- 3. Access to the Left Retrorectus Space and Placement of Ports
- 4. Robot Docking
- 5. Ipsilateral (Left) Retrorectus Space Dissection and Identification of Linea Alba
- 6. Enter Preperitoneal Space Through Posterior Rectus Sheath and Take Down Preperitoneal Fat and Hernia Sac
- 7. Contralateral (Right) Retrorectus Space Dissection
- 8. Summary of Dissection
- 9. Fascia Closure
- 10. Mesh Preparation
- 11. Mesh Placement
- 12. Closure
- 13. Post-op Remarks
- Left Rectus Block
- Posterior Peritoneal Defect
- Anterior Fascia
- Anterior Fascia with Image Inversion