Open Left Colectomy for Colon Cancer: Left Colon and Sigmoid Resection with Colostomy Formation
Procedure Outline
- Midline Incision and Exploration
- Entry to the Lesser Sac and Splenic/Hepatic Flexure Take Down
- Division of Mesenteric Vessels
- Mobilization of Volvulus
- Division of Distal Colonic Margin
- Division of Proximal Colonic Margin
- Removal of Specimen and Hemostasis
- Removal of Specimen and Hemostasis
- Mobilization to Allow for Stoma Maturation
- Identification of Stoma Site in LUQ
- Creation of Stoma
- Abdominal Fascia Closed with #1 Running Prolene
- Skin Closed with Staples
- Colostomy Maturation and Ostomy Bag Fixation