Penoscrotal Hypospadias Repair
Procedure Outline
Table of Contents
- 1. Surgical Approach
- 2. Incision
- 3. Insert Catheter
- 4. Dissection
- 5. Prepare Island Flap for Urethra Formation
- 6. Construction of Penile Urethra
- 7. Mobilize Native Urethra for Length
- 8. Excise Native Urethral Orifice
- 9. Anastomosis of Native and Constructed Urethral Segments
- 10. Alignment and Attachment of New Urethral Orifice
- 11. Suture Corpus Around Penile Urethra
- 12. Skin Closure
- 13. Post-op Remarks
- Island Flap
- Release Curvature and Attachments
- Take Measurements
- Place Stay Sutures
- Mark Incision
- Incision
- Dissection
- Insert and Inflate Foley Catheter
- Suture Flap Around Catheter to Build Urethra
- Place Stay Sutures in Glans
- Incision
- Suture New Urethral Orifice into Glans Incision
- Suture Glans Penis Around Urethra
- Scrotum
- Split Island Flap
- Dorsal Attachment
- Ventral Shaft
- Distal Shaft
- Tie Catheter and Cut Sutures