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  • Title
  • 1. Landmarks
  • 2. Posterior Portal
  • 3. Arthroscopy (Beach Chair Position)
  • 4. CA Ligament Release

Shoulder Arthroscopy (Cadaver)


Patrick Vavken, MD1; Sabah Ali2
1Smith and Nephew Endoscopy Laboratory
2University of Central Florida College of Medicine

Procedure Outline

  • Draw out bony landmarks: acromion, coracoid, soft spot.
  • Use thumbnail to delineate anterolateral and posterolateral acromion.
  • 2 cm inferior and slightly medial to acromial angle in the “soft spot” between infraspinatus and teres minor.
  • Aiming toward coracoid, pierce skin with an 18-gauge needle.
  • Insufflate joint with 50 cc of saline/epi solution.
  • Make an incision with #11 blade.
  • Place a blunt trocar through through capsule.
  • Attach inflow to arthroscopic cannula, suction as well.
  1. Examine Glenoid, Biceps, Humeral Head, Subscapularis, and Rotator Interval.
  2. Visualize the RTC and Check the Bare Area, Labrum, and HAGL
  3. Create Instrument Portal Through Rotator Interval
  4. Test Biceps Tendon
  5. Enter Subacromial Space
  • While in the subacromial space, release the CA ligament off the bone with a radiofrequency ablator.

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Smith and Nephew Endoscopy Laboratory

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Publication Date
Article ID26
Production ID0105