Shoulder Arthroscopy (Cadaver)
Procedure Outline
Table of Contents
- Draw out bony landmarks: acromion, coracoid, soft spot.
- Use thumbnail to delineate anterolateral and posterolateral acromion.
- 2 cm inferior and slightly medial to acromial angle in the “soft spot” between infraspinatus and teres minor.
- Aiming toward coracoid, pierce skin with an 18-gauge needle.
- Insufflate joint with 50 cc of saline/epi solution.
- Make an incision with #11 blade.
- Place a blunt trocar through through capsule.
- Attach inflow to arthroscopic cannula, suction as well.
- Examine Glenoid, Biceps, Humeral Head, Subscapularis, and Rotator Interval.
- Visualize the RTC and Check the Bare Area, Labrum, and HAGL
- Create Instrument Portal Through Rotator Interval
- Test Biceps Tendon
- Enter Subacromial Space
- While in the subacromial space, release the CA ligament off the bone with a radiofrequency ablator.