Laparoscopic Total Abdominal Colectomy with Ileorectal Anastomosis for Crohn's Colitis and Multifocal Dysplasia
Procedure Outline
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Surgical Approach
- 3. Access
- 4. Mobilize Colon
- 5. Divide Distal Sigmoid Colon
- 6. Pull Colon Through Infraumbilical Port Site
- 7. Divide at Ileum and Make J-Pouch
- 8. Secure Ileal End of EEA Stapler
- 9. Regain Laparoscopic Access
- 10. Insert EEA Stapler
- 11. Anastomosis
- 12. Test Anastomosis
- 13. Reposition Omentum
- 14. Examine Resected Colon
- 15. Closure
- 16. Post-op Remarks
- Mark Patient
- Inject Local Anesthetic
- Incision
- Dissect into Peritoneum
- Placement of Trocars