Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication
Procedure Outline
Table of Contents
- Insert Veress Needle to Insufflate Abdominal Cavity
- Insert Supraumbilical Trocar and Sleeve
- Insert Dissecting Port Trocar and Sleeve
- Insert Liver Retractor
- Insert Babcock Port Trocar and Sleeve
- Insert Assisting Port Trocar and Sleeve
- Cut Gastrohepatic Ligament
- Dissect Esophagus from Right and Left Crus
- Dissect Fundus of Stomach Towards Splenic Bed
- Insert Penrose to Wrap Around Esophagus
- Dissect Esophagus from Posterior Hiatus
- Repair the Hiatus
- Perform Shoeshine Maneuver
- Grasp Left and Right Parts of Fundoplication
- Suture the Fundoplication
- Remove Liver Retractor
- Remove Trocars and Close Port Sites