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  • Title
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Endoscopy
  • 3. Patient Positioning and Draping
  • 4. Incision and Port Placement
  • 5. Open Gastrohepatic Omentum
  • 6. Mobilize Along the Top Part of Esophageal Hiatus
  • 7. Free Esophagus Along Right Crus
  • 8. Skeletonize Left Gastric Artery and Vein
  • 9. Greater Curve Dissection
  • 10. Division of Left Gastric Artery and Veins
  • 11. Additional Mediastinal Dissection
  • 12. Lesser Curve Dissection
  • 13. Gastric Conduit
  • 14. Dissection at GE Junction
  • 15. Mattress Suture Stomach to Specimen
  • 16. Close Ports
  • 18. Port Placement
  • 19. Dissection in Chest
  • 20. Divide Azygos Vein
  • 21. Bring Specimen into Chest
  • 22. Circumferentially Dissect Proximal Esophagus
  • 23. Subcarinal Lymphadenectomy
  • 24. Lengthen Posterior Inferior Port Incision
  • 25. Transect Esophagus
  • 26. Esophagus Removal and Inspection
  • 27. Anastomosis
  • 28. Close Gastrotomy
  • 29. Interview

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Massachusetts General Hospital

Article Information

Publication Date
Article ID176.1
Production ID0176.1