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  • Title
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
  • 3. Exposure and Surgical Approach
  • 4. Optimal Site for Placement of Aortopexy Sutures
  • 5. Placement of Sutures in Aorta
  • 6. Closure

Aortopexy for Innominate Artery Compression of the Trachea


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Tracheomalacia is a rare congenital condition that results in incompetence of the trachea, the main airway, leading to collapse of the trachea during respiration. Most often this is due to inadequate bone formation in the trachea, and this causes it to be dynamically collapsed, which can result in breathing difficulties for the child. Upper respiratory infections can also be more common. While most cases of tracheomalacia resolve by 18 to 24 months of age, a small percentage either continue or cause such severe breathing or feeding issues that surgical intervention is warranted. In cases where the innominate artery is the cause of compression of the weakened trachea, an aortopexy to elevate the vessel up to the sternum and away from the trachea is performed.

Tracheomalacia; tracheoesophageal fistula; aortopexy; newborn respiratory distress; innominate artery.

Patients with tracheomalacia present primarily with breathing difficulties, the most common of which is wheezing.  Many times this occurs in the setting of prior tracheoesophageal fistula repair, with the symptoms beginning only after repair of the fistula. Care should be taken to elicit symptoms consistent with cyanosis or feeding difficulties, as these can indicate a more severe problem than that indicated by the physical examination. Since most cases of tracheomalacia resolve without intervention, it is crucial to take into account the age of the patient and the overall clinical course up to the present when making a decision for surgery.

Findings consistent with airway compromise guide management. Specifically, breathing noises that may change with position and improve during sleep, or that get worse with coughing, crying, or feeding. Look for high-pitched breathing and rattling or noisy breaths. Expiratory stridor at rest, biphasic stridor, and cyanosis are findings that are indicative of severe airway compromise. In addition, care should be taken to rule out gastroesophageal reflux disease and, in patients with prior repair, recurrent tracheoesophageal fistula, as these latter two conditions can cause the same symptoms, or even co-exist with tracheomalacia.

The diagnosis of tracheomalacia is confirmed by laryngoscopy, or direct visualization of the trachea, where a recurrent fistula may also be ruled out in those patients who underwent prior repair. Ancillary studies include CT angiogram of the chest to help document compression due to the innominate artery, as well as a barium swallow to rule out gastroesophageal reflux disease in those children where presence of reflux is suspected.

Most cases of tracheomalacia resolve with time, with the more mature airways proving more resilient to compression due to maturation of the bones of the trachea. However, in patients with severe respiratory compromise due to tracheomalacia, progressive pulmonary illness with severe infection, failure to thrive, and even loss of life may occur.

In this case the child was 38 months old with the symptoms of chronic cough, recurrent respiratory infections, and a history of tracheoesophageal fistula.

Other than supportive care, including treatment of upper respiratory tract infections, medical management for tracheomalacia includes use of ipratropium bromide, bethanechol, and in severe cases, continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP. Other treatment options include tracheostomy, intubation, bioresorbable stents, and tracheopexy․

The rationale for aortopexy resides in the severity of the condition being treated. In children with severe respiratory compromise due to compression of the trachea by the innominate artery, aortopexy is the only viable treatment option. Only after the child has failed more conservative measures is aortopexy recommended. Previously attempts have been made at endobronchial stenting; however, high complication rate associated with this procedure.

Posterior tracheopexy is a securing of the posterior wall of the trachea to the anterior spine ligament, which helps to stabilize the airway and prevent collapse. Combination with aortopexy can significantly improve breathing and reduce symptoms. This method is effective in patients with severe tracheomalacia associated with conditions like esophageal atresia.

Obstruction of the main bronchus by the innominate artery must be documented to ensure that the appropriate patients are being selected for surgery. Prior cases of tracheoesophageal repair require documentation that the fistula has not recurred.

Tracheomalacia may be subdivided into primary and secondary classifications. Primary tracheomalacia is a congenital absence of the trachea-supporting cartilage normally present, while secondary tracheomalacia is a result of some external insult to the trachea, such as the previously mentioned tracheoesophageal fistula, oesophageal atresia. In addition, vascular rings and an aberrant innominate artery are also causes of secondary tracheomalacia. While classification is helpful in understanding the disease process, a successful aortopexy relies on the diagnosis of an obstructing innominate artery, regardless of the classification.

The first description of the diagnosis and treatment of compression of the trachea due to an anomalous innominate artery was published over sixty years ago.1 Subsequently, tracheomalacia associated with tracheoesophageal fistula2,3 has been added as an etiology of tracheomalacia treatable with aortopexy. The traditional approach to aortopexy has been via a thoracotomy incision, where access to the mediastinum is gained by incising the pleura, done either through the left or right chest. Multiple other approaches have been described in addition to the thoracotomy,5 including thoracoscopic and partial sternotomy, with no approach having a clearly better outcome with respect to the others, although true comparison is difficult due to the rarity of the disease and the procedure.

Due to its high natural resolution rate, breathing difficulties due to tracheomalacia should be treated surgically only in very select patients, after all non-operative options have been explored and/or exhausted. The recovery from the procedure itself is relatively rapid, and other than failure of the surgery to correct the respiratory compromise, long-term complications are few, but tend to be musculoskeletal in nature and more commonly associated with the thoracotomy approach.6

A pediatric chest wall retractor is needed, as well as an infant bronchoscopy set.

The authors have no disclosures.

The parents of the patient referred to in this video have given their informed consent for surgery to be filmed and were aware that information and images will be published online.


  1. Gross RE, Neuhauser EBD. Compression of the trachea by an anomalous innominate artery: an operation for its relief. Am J Dis Child. 1948;75(4):570-574. doi:10.1001/archpedi.1948.02030020585007.
  2. Benjamin B, Cohen D, Glasson M. Tracheomalacia in association with congenital tracheoesophageal fistula. Surgery. 1976;79(5):504-508.
  3. Corbally MT, Spitz L, Kiely E, Brereton RJ, Drake DP. Aortopexy for tracheomalacia in oesophageal anomalies. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 1993;3(5):264-266. doi:10.1055/s-2008-1063556.
  4. DeCou JM, Parsons DS, Gauderer MWL. Thoracoscopic aortopexy for severe tracheomalacia. Pediatr Endosurg Innovative Tech. 2001;5(2):205-208. doi:10.1089/10926410152403174.
  5. Jennings RW, Hamilton TE, Smithers CJ, Ngerncham M, Feins N, Foker JE. Surgical approaches to aortopexy for severe tracheomalacia. J Pediatr Surg. 2014;49(1):66-70. doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2013.09.036.
  6. Holcomb GW III, Rothenberg SS, Bax KM, et al. Thoracoscopic repair of esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula: a multi-institutional analysis. Ann Surg. 2005;242(3):422-430. doi:10.1097/01.sla.0000179649.15576.db.

Cite this article

Scott A, Jackson CCA, Chwals W. Aortopexy for innominate artery compression of the trachea. J Med Insight. 2014;2014(10). doi:10.24296/jomi/10.

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