Additional Journal Information
The Journal of Medical Insight (JoMI) complies with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' (ICMJE)
Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals in order to maintain the highest standards of quality, reliability, and ethics. This page details several of JoMI's policies concerning the publication process and the nature of its content. For further information, potential authors and users should directly contact JoMI, though referring to the ICMJE recommendations is encouraged as well.
Last Updated: July 13, 2015
Peer Review Process:
Each article undergoes a two step peer-review process. First, JoMI's internal editorial board reviews both the video and textual components. Then, the article is sent to two or three specialists in the relevant field for review. Any concerns brought up by the reviewers or editors are discussed with the author, at which point the author has the opportunity to respond and/or make changes until both the reviewers and editors are satisfied with the accuracy, reliability, and relevance of the article. The Editor-in-Chief has full and final authority over all editorial content published by JoMI.
Statement of Informed Consent and Patient Privacy:
Any article involving human subjects includes a statement of informed consent in which the patient consents to being filmed and having said footage published online. Identifying information is omitted if it is not scientifically essential. In the case that identifying details are to be published, the patient must provide written informed consent after being shown the manuscript. All JoMI content is in compliance with The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). All material posted by users in the comment section or elsewhere should be in compliance with HIPAA as well and JoMI will moderate these posts to the best of its ability, but is ultimately not responsible for any material published by non JoMI-affiliated users.
Statement of Human and Animal Rights:
In the case of human subjects, authors must indicate that their procedures have been reviewed by the relevant review committee. If no formal review committee exists, then all procedures must be in accordance with the
Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013. In the event that either the editorial board or reviewers question the ethics of the procedure and/or the means of obtaining informed consent, JoMI retains the right to request additional information or, in extreme cases, refuse to publish said content.
For animal subjects, authors must indicate that the care and use of animals have been reviewed by the relevant international, national or institutional committees. If no formal review committee exists, then authors should refer to the International Association of Veterinary Editors’
Consensus Author Guidelines on Animal Ethics and Welfare.
Conflicts of Interest:
All JoMI articles are accompanied by a disclosure section. It is the responsibility of the authors, editors, and reviewers to disclose any personal or financial relationship, competing interest, or bias that might influence their actions. In the event that the editorial board or reviewers question the quality of work due to either conflicts of interest or the failure to disclose them, JoMI retains the right to delay or refuse publication.
JoMI retains exclusive copyright for all material published on the site. If given explicit permission from either the CEO or Editor-in-Chief, authors have the right to reuse portions of the articles and distribute a limited number of postprints. If external links are provided on JoMI pages, JoMI does not endorse or take responsibility for any of the content therein.
Sources of Financial Support and Revenue:
Institutional subscriptions are JoMI's primary source of revenue. JoMI has received funding from independent individual investors. JoMI is completely independent of any interests that could affect its academic integrity.